Welded rings

loose packed

Surface: polished or galvanised and chromated

These articles are not proofed and must not be used particularly for the lifting of loads.

Stock: Please specify product option(s).

Consulta de produto

Tabela de especificações

Welded rings SAP item number EAN13 diameter wire
inner diameter
Measurement Image
galvanised and chromated
7000892 9002546421142 3 16,50
7000893 9002546421159 3,50 20
7000894 9002546421166 4 25
7000895 9002546421180 4,50 30
7000933 9002546422897 5 34
7000934 9002546422903 6 35
7000896 9002546421197 6 43
7000932 9002546422880 6 48
7000929 9002546422248 7 35
7000930 9002546422255 8 36
7000931 9002546422262 9 45
7000926 9002546422187 10 53
7000927 9002546422194 10 70
7000928 9002546422200 12 60
7000887 9002546421050 3 16,50
7000888 9002546421067 3,50 20
7000889 9002546421081 4 25
7000890 9002546421098 4,50 30
7000891 9002546421104 5 34
7000935 9002546423351 6 35
7000923 9002546422156 7 35
7000924 9002546422163 8 36
7000925 9002546422170 9 45
7000920 9002546422095 10 53
7000921 9002546422101 10 70
7000922 9002546422118 12 60